(Version Française)

Flexible French Courses for Adults

Learn French at your own rhythm. Organize your own course. Choose your own method. Your Head Teacher is Mireille Garnier Richardson, whose long experience has taught her to adapt the course to the student, not the student to the course. The standard course provides three hours of instruction per day in the morning on a one-to-one basis or in groups of two. Contact us for information on more intensive schedules. We deliver a structured course (with books and optional homework) in a relaxed learning environment.

What does a Typical Student Learn in our French Course?

And what does he or she do in class? Because students' objectives and learning styles differ widely, it is difficult to describe a typical French course. Instead, we invite you to take a look at some of our recent students, and find out about their learning experiences at La Ferme. From the diversity of this small sample you can see that the "typical student" doesn't exist. We regularly receive -

Tourists, a category which includes just about everyone below.

Business People, including
Marcel (a near beginner), who needed French for his work in Francophone Africa.
Li Hong (an intermediate), an IT consultant, who hopes to have more French clients.

Civil Servants
Peggy (a good intermediate), who took a refresher course.
Anne and Will (intermediates), a couple who live and work in France.

Retired People
Herbert (an advanced beginner), who finally has time for progress in French.
Betty Ann (advanced), who had forgotten quite a bit.

French Teachers
Cathy, who started teaching French after her course at La Ferme.
David, who keeps up to date by visiting La Ferme as often as he can.

French Courses at Every Level

For details see -

French Courses for Beginners
French Course for Intermediates
French courses for Advanced Students

In our French Courses, we Encourage Independent Study and Practice

Free access to supplementary course material on video or audio cassettes.
Opportunities to practice your French informally with your teacher and, during the Summer, with our many Francophone lodgers.

Send us your questions!

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